SWEDAPL Meeting in Malmö, November 11th 2015

The November cycle of APL User Meetings is kicking off; the SWEDAPL meeting in Malmö was first this year, holding a meeting at the top of the famous Turning Torso in Malmö. Since it was just a short trip from our Danish office, Dyalog was represented by Gitte Christensen, Bjørn Christensen and Morten Kromberg – […]

Over the Moon with Selenium

Over the years, I have become more and more reluctant to write code without good regression tests – 35 years of software development have taught me that it is just too dangerous! Regression testing of user interfaces has always been difficult, but for the last few weeks I have been working with technologies that put […]

Building a Web Application with MiServer

One of Sunday’s tracks was Brian Becker’s engaging workshop on MiServer 3.0 – the newest version of Dyalog’s APL-based web application framework that allows you to develop a cross platform application for stand-alone use or delivery via the web. The motto of MiServer is that everyone who can develop an APL application should also be able to make […]

APL-Controlled Robot Performs Death-Defying Stunts Using PiCam

Regular readers will remember my whining about the poor precision of both infra-red and ultrasonic sensors. But today, the Raspberry Pi / Dyalog APL – controlled “DyaBot” was observed driving on a dinner table – where the slightest navigational error could mean a 3-foot plunge and certain death! How can this be? [embedplusvideo height=”400″ width=”584″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/19azC9S” […]

PiServer at Thor8.dk

I’ve been wanting to run a Web Server from my home for many years. In fact, I have been paying for the domain Thor8.dk (my street address is Thorsvænget 8), and a fixed IP address for 5 years now – without getting it implemented. But today, with a little help from Jason Rivers who helped […]