11 April 2023 – A Day to Celebrate!

Today we reach two very significant milestones. 40 Years of Dyalog APL On this day, we have cause for celebration: it is 40 years since the release of Dyalog version 1.0! Geoff Streeter would say that from his perspective we are already in the 42nd year, as he and John Scholes started work on the […]

Not All Heroes Wear Capes

On Friday 15 October, the SERV S&L was presented with The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service by the Lord Lieutenant of Surrey. Geoff Streeter was one of 20 volunteer SERV S&L members who attended. What Is SERV S&L? SERV S&L (Service by Emergency Rider Volunteers for Surrey and London) are a charity organisation, made up […]

Essays on APL Since 1978

In June, Mikhail Barash and Anya Helene Bagge published a collection of essays written by the students of the seminar course INF328B on History of Programming Languages that was given at the University of Bergen (Norway) in the Spring term 2021. As an author, I wish to start by thanking Mikhail and Anya and the […]

Thank You Ian Sharp

On July 16th, one of the most influential founders of what we today refer to as the “array language community” died peacefully, a few months after being diagnosed with lung cancer (link: Toronto Globe and Mail). In 1964, Ian Patrick Sharp formed I.P.Sharp Associates (IPSA), together with six colleagues who were made redundant when Ferranti-Packard […]

The APL Orchard

If you have not already been there, I highly recommend visiting the APL Orchard (apl.chat). Adám Brudzewsky originally started this chat room on Stack Exchange to teach and answer questions, including many successful introductory sessions to people who wanted to learn APL. Since then, it has become an extremely active discussion forum, with a very […]

Dyalog '20 – Recordings Now Available

We are happy to announce that the full set of recordings from Dyalog ’20 online is now available. So if you missed the all or any of the talks, or would like to revisit one of the presentations, head over to https://dyalog.tv/Dyalog20! It was disappointing not to be enjoying Portuguese food and drink with you […]

Warming up to Dyalog ’20 Online with the last Recording from Dyalog ’19!

Three weeks from today, Gitte Christensen and I will be opening the 2020 Dyalog user meeting. Like so many similar gatherings, we are moving online; this year’s meeting will consist of two 4-hour sessions on Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th November, running from 14:00 to 18:00 UTC. Our hope (so far confirmed by advance registrations) […]

Dyalog ’19 Videos: Week 10

The release of the final set of videos from the Dyalog ’19 user meeting in Elsinore slipped into 2020, thus providing me with a perfect opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year from all of us at Dyalog! We are wrapping up with recordings from the Prize Ceremony for the 11th annual Problem […]

Dyalog ’19 Videos: Week 9

Depending on which day you decide to watch this recording, you may get a different answer from the one that Richard did as he answered his own question (“Is It Christmas Yet?”) in the first minute of his presentation. Of course, the true purpose of the talk was to show off a potential new system […]

Dyalog ’19 Videos: Week 8

When Aaron Hsu was at Dyalog ’19 in Elsinore, he was preparing the defence of his PhD Thesis on A Data Parallel Compiler Hosted on the GPU. In his talk “Lessons for the Masses from the Trenches of Co-dfns” he looks back on some of the key lessons learned while working on the PhD and […]