Dyalog APL v14.0 Tech Preview
And now, as they say, for something completely different. Our robot is running Dyalog APL version 13.2 for the Raspberry Pi, which was released on our major platforms (Windows, Linux, AIX) in January 2013. The next release of Dyalog APL will be version 14.0, which currently has a tentative delivery date of “sometime in the 1st […]
Dyalog APL now available for the Raspberry Pi!
Although the news had not yet appeared on the Dyalog webpage when this was written, the CTO blog has access to exclusive sources and is therefore able to present this scoop: The big day has finally come – Dyalog APL version 13.2 is now available to anyone with a Raspberry Pi, and can be downloaded […]
Fun with APL on the Raspberry Pi (without a Robot)
The official release of Dyalog APL for the Raspberry Pi now looks as if it going to happen on Friday! In preparation for this, we have been working on some examples to demonstrate things you can do on your Pi without a set of wheels attached – like making lights blink! [embedplusvideo height=”356″ width=”584″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/ztLIQgszE1s?fs=1″ […]