Maintaining Py'n'APL Part 2: APL Arrays, Python Objects, and JSON
As part of the bigger, overarching refactoring goal of making Py’n’APL great again, I refactored some of the code that deals with sending data from Python to APL and receiving data from APL into Python. In this blog post, I will describe – to the best of my abilities – how that part of the […]
Maintaining Py'n'APL Part 1: The Beginning
Py’n’APL is an interface between APL and Python that allows you to run Python code from within APL and APL code from within Python. This interface was originally developed by Dyalog Ltd intern Marinus Oosters, who presented it in a webinar and at Dyalog ’17. I subsequently talked about Py’n’APL at Dyalog ’21, where I […]