Spring 2015 Dyalog Travelogue (An American Tale: Dyalog Goes West)
Concluding Morten and Gitte’s whistlestop tour round Europe before heading to the US (see parts 1 and 2) On Saturday afternoon we passed through London’s Heathrow airport for the third time in 5 days, this time continuing west to JFK, bringing the total for the week to 8,943km plus 300-odd in 3 different cars, 220 […]
Spring 2015 Dyalog Travelogue (The Saga Continues)
Continuing Morten and Gitte’s whistlestop tour round Europe before heading to the US for DYNA15 Day 3: Bramley-Bingen Job interviews done by lunch-time, and we hopped in the car (without lunch) to Heathrow, flew to Frankfurt and finally arrived at Bingen at sunset, just in time for some Weissbier and Flammkücken with the other early arrivals. […]
Spring 2015 Dyalog Travelogue (Ferries, Trains, Planes and Automobiles)
One of my favourite times of the year is the period in March/April where we traditionally start with a visit to the FinnAPL Forest Seminar followed by the APL Germany Spring Meeting. This year there are two new stops to make: the Swedish APL Group has started holding meetings twice a year too – and […]
Turning to a Heading with an MPU-9150
As the odour of fried electronics dissipates in the air, I’m unexpectedly afforded the opportunity to write this blog post a day or two earlier than planned. The on-board compass was exhibiting significant deviation, so I consulted my nephew Thorbjørn Christensen at DTU-Space. Thorbjørn makes a living designing magnetometers for space agencies around the world, […]
Making Controlled Turns with the DyaBot
This blog originally started when I took delivery of the DyaBot, a Raspberry Pi and Arduino based variant of the C3Pi running Dyalog v13.2. The architecture of the ‘bot and instructions for building your own inexpensive robot can all be found in blog entries from April to July of last year. The downside of only using inexpensive components is […]
Dancing with the Bots
Last week the ‘bots were busy preparing for the J Language Conference in Toronto, where they made their first public appearance together. Upon returning to Bramley they continued training and we are proud to present the first recording of their new dance: [embedplusvideo height=”400″ width=”584″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1u6Knob” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/oO50UqFBsCw?fs=1&vq=hd720″ vars=”ytid=oO50UqFBsCw&width=584&height=400&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep3993″ /] The ‘bots are both running […]
Aligning Diff Output
‘Bots are off limits this week so here is a story from this year’s Iverson College – a fantastic week spent in the company of a wonderful mixture of array and functional language gurus and newbies, all learning from each other. One evening, Dhru Patel presented a problem that he was working on which involved […]
The Blog is Back!
It is now 3 weeks since we shipped Dyalog version 14.0 and released the new Dyalog web site, so it’s probably time to stop celebrating and get back to work. The ‘bot batteries have been recharged and the ‘bots are learning to work as a team using v14.0 futures and isolates. That’s all I can […]
APL-Controlled Robot Performs Death-Defying Stunts Using PiCam
Regular readers will remember my whining about the poor precision of both infra-red and ultrasonic sensors. But today, the Raspberry Pi / Dyalog APL – controlled “DyaBot” was observed driving on a dinner table – where the slightest navigational error could mean a 3-foot plunge and certain death! How can this be? [embedplusvideo height=”400″ width=”584″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/19azC9S” […]
PiServer at Thor8.dk
I’ve been wanting to run a Web Server from my home for many years. In fact, I have been paying for the domain Thor8.dk (my street address is Thorsvænget 8), and a fixed IP address for 5 years now – without getting it implemented. But today, with a little help from Jason Rivers who helped […]