Employee Spotlight: Aarush

It’s been a year since Aarush joined us, and we asked him to look back over his first twelve months. Aarush joined Dyalog Ltd after studying at VIT Vellore in India, where he received a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering. Forgoing his college placements in pursuit of working on the nitty-gritty of programming […]

Welcome Karl Holt

Karl had always imagined that he would spend his career in academia, as had many who know him. However, after becoming disenchanted with the whole university environment halfway through his Master’s degree, he sought a role outside academia and joined Dyalog Ltd. Although he’s only been here for a few months, he feels that he […]

Employee Spotlight: Stefan

It’s now one year since Stefan joined Dyalog Ltd, and we asked him what he made of the experience so far. “I can’t believe how time flies. It feels like it was only yesterday I arrived at the Bramley office for the first time, to pick up my laptop and meet everyone.” Prior to joining […]

Employee Spotlight: Jada

This week marks one year since Jada joined Dyalog Ltd, and we asked her about her experiences thus far. “It’s truly been a whirlwind of a year. I don’t know where the time has gone! It’s been intense, but in the best way possible. I’ve been able to get a feel for everything that being […]

Welcome Mike Mingard

Mike recently joined Dyalog Ltd, bringing his experience in web and digital design. Mike grew up in West London, and now lives by the sea in East Sussex. His background is in Recording Engineering, and he worked for a number of years as a front-of-house sound engineer and theatre stage manager. Having learnt the basics […]

Welcome Abs Suri

After graduating from the University of Portsmouth with a bachelor’s degree in software engineering, Abs started investigating IT roles. He wanted something that provided a challenge, working for a team that was passionate about what they do, and in which he could contribute to that effort through the software and IT abilities that he has […]

Welcome Aarush Bhat

In pursuit of his dream to contribute to the development of a programming language professionally, Aarush started cold emailing companies that worked on them (there aren’t a lot, but a lot). One of the companies he contacted was Dyalog Ltd. Aarush initially joined us in January 2023 as a contractor, focusing on testing the primitives […]

Dyalog '23 Day 5: The End, Yet Still Much More to Do

In his second presentation of the week, Brandon Wilson relayed some of his experiences as a relative newcomer to APL and Dyalog. Having heard that most users learn APL through an apprentice model in which they enter an organisation and are taught by already experienced users, he sought out further help to learn array programming […]

Dyalog '23 Day 4: So Many Problems to Solve

We started Wednesday with an update to the co-dfns project by Aaron Hsu. Aaron is trying to make APL more accessible to more people for tackling more problems. He explained how version 4 focusses on good performance on GPUs and detailed error reporting – including a parser that can be used for static analysis of […]

Dyalog '23 Day 3: Quantum, Human, and Network Communications

Tools Architect Brian Becker started today’s presentations with an overview of the tools provided by Dyalog Ltd. to help develop applications. He also explained the plans to improve documentation and tutorials and have more comprehensive testing, especially as our tools are supported across different platforms, architectures, and deployment scenarios. He then demonstrated use of HttpCommand to […]