DYNA25: Spring Edition is taking place on 7 April in New York City. More info

Morten Kromberg

Technical Director (CTO)

Based: Denmark

Joined Dyalog Ltd: April 2005

Morten - Dyalog Team Member

Role Summary

Morten is responsible for understanding user requirements and providing input to decisions about the technologies that Dyalog Ltd needs to support. This includes selecting the operating systems and hardware platforms Dyalog needs to run on, and the data formats, communication technologies, tools, stacks, and frameworks that the APL system needs to be connected to. In addition, Morten is involved in design and scheduling of APL language enhancements, performance tuning, and other improvements to the language.


Morten has the first year of a Maths and Computer Science degree from three different Universities and blames his inability to complete any form of degree on having discovered APL before leaving High School in 1980 and being offered money to write code for customers of I.P.Sharp Associates a couple of years later.

Morten grew up on SHARP APL but thinks he must have worked with 20 different APL interpreters during his career as an APL consultant. His speciality is migrating code between APL systems and across hardware and software platforms, and his hobby is tuning APL code.

Before he joined Dyalog Ltd as CTO in 2005, Morten spent 15 years working almost exclusively with Dyalog APL, both as a consultant for corporations using Dyalog and as the CTO of Adaytum Software , developing a “shrink-wrapped” Financial Planning package that used Dyalog APL as the core technology. During his time as a Dyalog user he collected many ideas for technical direction, some of which made it into the product. He still likes to make himself available for APL consulting from time to time, to stay current.

Whether you are celebrating a winter holiday, looking forward to the days getting longer from tomorrow, or enjoying summer south of the equator, we hope you have time to enjoy the final collection of light-hearted presentations from Dyalog ’23. Andy Shiers has overall responsibility for making sure that Dyalog gets correctly built and tested before … Read
Although run-time performance is rarely the most important reason for selecting APL, good performance often becomes important during the lifetime of an application (especially if it is successful and, therefore, has to deal with growing data volumes and numbers of users). Array-oriented programming naturally encourages Subject Matter Experts to use dense and pointer-free structures, which … Read
An increasing number of APL systems serve business logic as services, in addition to providing a user interface. Some recent APL applications have no user interface at all, and are only available as services. For this reason, Dyalog’s web service framework, Jarvis, features prominently in Brian Becker’s overview of the current state of tool development … Read
The Road Ahead

The Road Ahead

How might Dyalog evolve in the years to come, and which technologies should you be trying to keep an eye on yourself? Morten attempts to answer these questions, and sets the scene for the technical presentations being given at Dyalog '22. 00:00 Over...View


The P words… Projects and Packages

The P words… Projects and Packages

Morten expressed his opinion that the growth of APL is hampered by a lack of widely-used libraries in an article he wrote for Vector in July 2003 (vol 20 issue 1), and his opinion has not changed since then. Has the tooling finally reached a point wh...View


Introducing Dyalog v18.2

Introducing Dyalog v18.2

Morten gives a brief overview of version 18.2's many new features aimed at improving developer productivity and the ease with which solutions based on Dyalog APL can be deployed and maintained. Slides PPTX: https://www.dyalog.com/uploads/files/prese...View


The Road Ahead

The Road Ahead

Before presenting his view of the road that lies before Dyalog and users of Dyalog APL, Morten spends a little time talking about the year that has passed, and explains why the release of Dyalog APL that follows after 18.0 will be numbered 18.2....View


Link v3.0

Link v3.0

Link makes it possible to use text source as the foundation for APL application development, rather than binary workspaces or component files. The first version to see significant use outside Dyalog Ltd. was v2.0, distributed with Dyalog v18.0. Link ...View


The Road Ahead

The Road Ahead

In accordance with tradition, Morten will look briefly back over his shoulder before turning his gaze to the future and providing some predictions regarding the road that lies before Dyalog and users of Dyalog APL...View


Team Dyalog

We promote a culture where innovation, fun, pride, and acceptance is part of our everyday life. We come from a variety of backgrounds, and we learn from each other’s diversity.

Richard - Dyalog Team Member
Development Manager
Flag of United Kingdom
Josh - Dyalog Team Member
APL Consultant
Flag of USA
Karl - Dyalog Team Member
Flag of Denmark
Stefan - Dyalog Team Member
Flag of United Kingdom

…or perhaps even join the team!

Get Support

Technical advice and assistance on all aspects of Dyalog usage is available by e-mail (support@dyalog.com) and/or telephone (+44 1256 830030 – limited to U.K. office hours). Limited advice on design and coding is available, but is not intended to replace the use of the printed and on-line documentation. Except when reporting an issue with the software, users are encouraged to seek advice from the user community via the Dyalog Forum (reading the content of the forums does not require membership).

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