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Adám Brudzewsky

Head of Language Design

Based: Denmark

Joined Dyalog Ltd: May 2015

Adám - Dyalog Team Member

Role Summary

Adám is a member of the Dyalog Tools Group. He writes (and helps cutomers to write) APL, implements and maintains parts of our system that are written in APL, teaches APL, and creates materials for demonstration purposes.


Adám is a lifelong APL programmer, taught by his father (Henri Brudzewsky), and attended several APL conferences starting when he was just one year old. As a student, he preferred APL to mathematical notation, and wrote a couple of high school papers based on it; in philosophy, describing multiplicative fuzzy logic, and in mathematics, asking if the traditional mathematical notation could be improved. And of course, with APL, the answer was “yes”!

Before joining Dyalog Ltd, Adám used APL both as a toy and as a tool to clean up dirty data for a school and a fundraiser. He also programmed smaller text-based games and utility applications for himself but, most of all, APL influenced his way of thinking about problems in general.

Adám is an active participant in various activities and forums , maintains APLcart , and is a major contributor to the APL Wiki . Although often involved in every part of the development process, his real passion is making APL the best it can be though backwards‑compatible language extensions.

Dyalog APL version 18.0, released in June 2020, introduced the Case Convert system function ⎕C. It was a replacement for the long-lived (since version 15.0, from June 2016) I-beam 819⌶, which was then deprecated. (By the way, did you know that the digits 819 were chosen to be reminiscent of the letters BIg as in … Read
It seemed like a normal Friday until mid-afternoon. But on 4 February 2022, I embarked on a journey that, at the time, seemed to stretch impossibly far into the future — a future that wasn’t entirely known yet. In the APL Orchard chat room on Stack Exchange, a dozen APLers, some experts and some newbies, … Read
During the recent APL Seeds ’22 meeting, it was suggested that we introduce keywords that could be used as an alternative to APL symbols. Several historical APL systems have provided such mechanisms. However, rather than adopting one of the old keyword schemes, we have decided to go for a more future-proof solution, recognising that the … Read
Stacking It Up (APL Quest 2020-10)

Stacking It Up (APL Quest 2020-10)

Write a function that takes as its right argument a vector of simple arrays of rank 2 or less (scalar, vector, or matrix). Each simple array will consist of either non-negative integers or printable ASCII characters. The function must return a simple...View


Zigzag Numbers (APL Quest 2020-8)

Zigzag Numbers (APL Quest 2020-8)

A zigzag number is an integer in which the difference in magnitude of each pair of consecutive digits alternates from positive to negative or negative to positive. Write a function that takes a single integer greater than or equal to 100 and less tha...View


Rise and Fall (APL Quest 2020-9)

Rise and Fall (APL Quest 2020-9)

Write a function that, given a right argument which is an integer scalar or vector, returns a 1 if the values of the right argument conform to the following pattern (0 otherwise): • The elements increase or stay the same until the “apex” (highe...View


Are You a Bacteria? (APL Quest 2021-1)

Are You a Bacteria? (APL Quest 2021-1)

The GC-content of a DNA string is given by the percentage of the symbols in the string that are either ‘C’ or ‘G’. Very small discrepancies in GC-content can be used to distinguish species; for instance, most bacteria have a GC-content signif...View


Excel-lent Columns (APL Quest 2020-3)

Excel-lent Columns (APL Quest 2020-3)

Write a function that, given a right argument which is a character scalar or non-empty vector representing a valid character Excel column identifier between A and XFD, returns the corresponding column number. Wiki: https://apl.wiki/APL_Quest Code: h...View


Take a Leap (APL Quest 2020-4)

Take a Leap (APL Quest 2020-4)

Write a function that, given a right argument which is an integer array of year numbers greater than or equal to 1752 and less than 4000, returns a result of the same shape as the right argument where 1 indicates that the corresponding year is a leap...View


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Karta - Dyalog Team Member
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