Snapshot blog from the last day at Dyalog’16 in Glasgow



#Dyalog16 – Vibeke Ulmann
So we have come to the last blog from this year’s Dyalog User Conference. This is going to be a short one – as I can’t possibly do justice in words to some of the presentations we had Thursday morning.
Gitte Christensen started off the morning by giving us a run of the APL history in the Nordic Countries. She’d also looked into why large software project often fail or are challenged (read go seriously over budget and/or have to cut down on the original scope). The main takeaway is that we have good evidence that APL projects never fail – documented by several business cases with APL applications running with thousands of users.
Romilly Cocking went through his own history with APL and then told us how he got involved with the Raspberry Pi project in 2011. In 2015 he started working with Dyalog APL on the Raspberry Pi, and as he is really interested in Neural networks and robotics, he is now running a neural network project using Raspberry Pi’es. He is in the process of writing a book – which will become available on – but interested parties can get a sneak preview by asking Romilly.
Colours play a role in marketing and branding – which Paul Grosvenor from Optima Systems walked us though in his presentation.
As a marketeer I am tempted to add that shapes also play a huge part in branding. One of the reasons APL’ers love the squiggles so much, truly must also have something to do with their shapes.
And then we were treated to a fantastic presentation called ‘The Cartoon Introduction to APL’ by Roberto Minervini from Italy, and some of the students he teaches APL. The presentation and the competition they had built in blew us all out of the water. Please watch it on  or on the Dyalog YouTube channel later – and you will see why we were so impressed.
Now it’s goodbye from me from Clydebank in Glasgow – and I hope to see everyone again next year at Dyalog’17.
(Venue TBC – but Portugal, South Africa and Denmark are all in the running right now).

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